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LICI To Help Vermilion Parish Tourist Commission With Marketing Iris Bloom

July 14, 2023 Abbeville, La.

Louisiana Iris Conservation Initiative’s (LICI) President, Gary Salathe, met with Executive Director of the Vermilion Parish Tourist Commission, Alison Miller, at the Abbeville Cultural & Historical Museum & Art Gallery on Wednesday, July 12, 2023 in Abbeville, La. The two discussed LICI's new partnership with the Friends of Palmetto Island State Park, Inc. in managing the I. nelsonii (Abbeville Red) iris planting at the park's boardwalk, plans the partnership has to increase the number of Abbeville Red irises growing there, and to publicize the iris bloom at the park next spring.

Photo: The Abbeville Cultural & Historical Museum & Art Gallery is located in the downtown historic district at 200 N. Magdalen Square, Abbeville, La.

Ms. Miller gave Salathe the history of marketing the tourist commission has done to publicize the Abbeville Red irises at the Palmetto Island State Park, especially when they bloom each April. She also shared how they help organize and publicize the annual Daylily Festival in the historic district of Abbeville each June.

Photos above: These tree beautiful murals on the front exterior wall of the Abbeville Cultural & Historical Museum & Art Gallery depict scenes from the town's annual Daylily Festival held

The Vermilion Parish Tourist Commission has already promoted the iris bloom at the park each spring. At the end of the meeting, LICI committed to helping the tourist commission get the word out about the iris restoration project at the park and to increase awareness of the Abbeville Red irises while they bloom next spring.

Photo: Abbeville Red irises are shown blooming at the Palmetto Island State Park boardwalk on April, 5, 2023.

Ms. Miller said they regularly get people from all over the country come into the visitor's center and ask about the Abbeville red irises, especially during the iris bloom each spring.

At the end of the meeting, Salathe committed LICI to work with the tourist commission to publicize the iris bloom at the park starting in 2024. "Alison and the tourist commission have done a great job in bringing attention to the Abbeville Red iris and the need to preserve this very special native plant. After all, Vermilion Parish is the only place in the world where it is found growing in the wild. We want to build on their success and get the word out to even more people," Salathe said after the meeting.

Photo: Executive Director of the Vermilion Parish Tourist Commission, Alison Miller, is shown at the Abbeville Cultural & Historical Museum & Art Gallery on Wednesday, July 12, 2023, in Abbeville, La, after meeting with LICI's Gary Salathe.



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